Configurable GIS Map

Generate custom GIS maps for project apps or a website.

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  • Make maps configurable through a separate file
  • Allow users to create maps without writing code
  • Generate clean, simple map interface
  • Utilized the ArcGIS JavaScript API
  • Structured JSON object to integrate
  • Created JavaScript functions to configure widgets
  • HTML - Set up structure for map and widgets
  • JS - Wrote functions to handle map, data loading, and widget interaction
  • CSS - Styled elements for smooth user experience

Values are added to properties in a JSON file, providing title, start location, and paths to specific sets of data. The JSON object is then processed in JavaScript and incorporated in the creation of the map.

Any number of map layers can be added by simply including the URL to their REST service. Overlaying multiple layers of data can provide a holistic view of projects and plans.


This application meets the goals I set for configurability, low-coding, and a clean interface for users. Providing quick and easy implementation allows users to get up and running without the need to dig into complex code and APIs.

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